Become a part of this free gallery of cards and greetings exchanged on religious occasion Deepawali to share joy, wishes, blessings and sweet emotions of the festival. Diwali wishes and celebrations are incomplete without the beautiful scene of glittering fireworks, diyas, candles and other sparkling decorative. We want these sparkling Diwali to add beauty to your special warm greetings.

Diwali brings happiness and love from all of our lives. In return for that love and blessing from God that we light lamps pray to god and goddesses to keep their hands on us and take us on the road to success.
Diwali lamps are symbolized as a victory good over evil and light over darkness. These Deepavali lights remove darkness from our lives. So let us celebrate Diwali by lighting lamps.......

Diwali brings happiness and love from all of our lives. In return for that love and blessing from God that we light lamps pray to god and goddesses to keep their hands on us and take us on the road to success.
Diwali lamps are symbolized as a victory good over evil and light over darkness. These Deepavali lights remove darkness from our lives. So let us celebrate Diwali by lighting lamps.......