They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so it would make sense that this adorable couple takes fashion signals from each other. Jennifer Aniston and her boyfriend Justin Theroux was seen leaving an office building in the Big Apple on Sunday and was both sporty Fedora along with some gold jewelry.
Jennifer Aniston and her boyfriend Justin Theroux was seen leaving an office building in the Big Apple on Sunday and was both sporty Fedora along with some gold jewelry. As always, Jen in her signature color (black), while Justin kept things casual in a t-shirt and jeans.
In poker, a matching pair often NOK to win you a game, and Hollywood glamor couple Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux certainly played a winning hand when they took on the matching fedora hat. A celebrity was clearly in sync when they left an office building in New York.

Jennifer Aniston and her boyfriend Justin Theroux was seen leaving an office building in the Big Apple on Sunday and was both sporty Fedora along with some gold jewelry. As always, Jen in her signature color (black), while Justin kept things casual in a t-shirt and jeans.