Taking time out from such groundbreaking works as "Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez love is a goose Dick Inside an Armadillo" and "Maple Bieber Wiener, A Looney Tunes Retrospective" artist Daniel Edwards has now drawn up plans for an Amy Winehouse bust on behalf of any British people he met on Facebook.
So apparently all these things are just portraits of the statues that make this guy the laziest crazy person I've ever met in my life. Anyone can just sit and draw a statue of a topless, pre-implant Amy Winehouse made of chocolate, but it requires a dedicated mental cases actually chisel to a Hershey bar and chop each protruding rib bones with my bare hands, because Satan wants to stop living in your toaster.

This is just masturbating. Arthouse wankery into a lonely beret, which later was folded neatly into a hexagon and sold for $ 10,000 to any twatwaffle in Manhattan.....

So apparently all these things are just portraits of the statues that make this guy the laziest crazy person I've ever met in my life. Anyone can just sit and draw a statue of a topless, pre-implant Amy Winehouse made of chocolate, but it requires a dedicated mental cases actually chisel to a Hershey bar and chop each protruding rib bones with my bare hands, because Satan wants to stop living in your toaster.

This is just masturbating. Arthouse wankery into a lonely beret, which later was folded neatly into a hexagon and sold for $ 10,000 to any twatwaffle in Manhattan.....